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제품  애플리케이션  웨비나  Watch time - 39:46
In this webinar, we discussed the Nuvoton NuMaker IoT Platforms that are supporting Arm Mbed OS and Pelion Device Management services. We also showcased how you can use these reference designs to build and manage your smart IoT devices and applications. Host: Austin Blackstone, Lead Developer Evangelist - Arm Pelion / Mbed OS Speaker: Morgan Du, Principal Engineer - Nuvoton IoT Development Slides: Learn more about the Nuvoton IoT platform: Learn more about the Nuvoton NuMaker-IoT-M487 platform: Shop the NuMaker-IoT-M487 development board: #Product #Application #Webinar #General #en
제품  공부하다  Watch time - 26:19
The ML51 is a Flash embedded 1T 8051-based microcontroller. The instruction set of the ML51 is fully compatible with the standard 80C51 with performance enhanced and low power consumption. The ML51 runs up to 24 MHz at a wide voltage range from 1.8V to 5.5V, and contains up to 64/32/16/8 Kbytes Flash called APROM for programming code. The ML51 Flash supports In-Application-Programming (IAP) function, which enables on-chip firmware updates. The ML51 includes an additional configurable up to 4/3/2/1 Kbytes Flash area called LDROM, in which the Boot Code normally resides for carrying out the In-System-Programming (ISP). - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us: #Product #Learning #Basic #en 0:00 簡介 0:20 Agenda 0:45 NuMicro Product Portfolio 1:28 2019 Brand New MCU Platform 2:06 ML51/ML54/ML56 Series Portfolio 3:29 ML51 Series Low 4:50 NuMicro Naming Rule 6:06 NuMicro® ML51 Features 8:19 4 Different Power Modes 10:44 Low Power Mode Features • Wake up resource: WKT, ACMP, GPIO 12:37 Low Power VS Battery Life 13:28 ADC 15:00 Comparison of 8-bit Products Feature 17:13 Fire Fighting System 21:30 Battery Management System (BMS) 22:30 Gaming Phone 23:36 Development Board 24:13 Development Environment
제품  공부하다  Watch time - 15:55
Nuvoton has provided all kinds of size panels from 3.5 to 7 inches that support i80 mode and RGB interface to show GUI. N9H series supports hardware 2D Graphics Accelerator and MJPEG codec to process images. To meet customers HMI needs, Nuvoton has already prepared low-end to high-end products including M0, M4, and Arm9 series. #Product #Learning #Basic #en - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us: 0:00 簡介 1:32 Nuvoton HMI Solutions 3:04 Nuvoton HMI Development Systems 4:40 emWin Supported HMI Solution 5:29 Nuvoton Homemade Free GUI Templates 5:55 HMI Successful Story 7:15 Nuvoton MCU Feature for GUI 7:58 NuMicro N9H Series 9:26 NuMicro M480 Series 10:26 What is HMI and emWin Library 11:01 Windows Tools 12:34 Use GUIBuilder to easily create GUI 13:32 em Win sample code path in Nuvoton BSP 13:54 How to build the project • Both of the BSP and hardware are right, the display should 14:10 Nuvoton Forum 14:57 Supported LCD driver IC List (the popular ones)
훈련  공부하다    Watch time - 17:45
新唐 NuMicro 微控制器家族 UART 基本功能與範例介紹。 #Training #Basic #zh-Hant #Learning - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 購買管道: 聯絡我們:
애플리케이션  공부하다  Watch time - 2:21
這是新唐科技做的溫控器的參考設計,在第一個畫面顯示的是目前的室溫 25 度。也可以透過這個加減去設定你的目標的溫度,中間的部分就是去改變目前的開關、開或是關,在這個 Temperature (溫度) 圖示 部分可以進去調整它的背光亮度,透過滑動的方式去改變。 你現在要進入的功能頁面,進到第二個畫面去做溫度功能的設定,這是冷氣的強度,可以透過加減或者是直接按圖示去做加減,也可以去改變暖氣的部分,還有除溼跟送風,在第三個畫面是一個行事曆,可以去設定日期,然後去做日期的開跟關的預設動作,以上是整個參考設計的全部。 接下來介紹一下板子上面零件的組成,在電路板的正中間是一個新唐科技的 Nuvoton-N9H20 的主控晶片,這主控晶片內置了 32M Byte 的 DDR 在裡面,所以你會看到整個電路板是很清晰的,整個硬件設計上面是非常容易的。那在上方是一個 1G bit 的 NAND Flash,可以存code還有圖片的部分。在左下方是一個連接器可以連接到 UART 的控制介面。在中間左邊的部分是一個 5V (Micro USB) 電源的輸入。在右上角是一個 RS485 的連線,透過這個綠色的接頭可以連接到 RS485 控制風扇、冷氣等等裝置,在右下角這一區是一個電源管理的晶片,還有一些零件組成,所以整個應用設計上面是非常簡潔有力的,以上是整個硬件的介紹,謝謝。 #application #Learning #Basic #zh-Hant - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 購買管道: 聯絡我們:
Watch time - 9:40
以新唐 NuMaker NUC980 IIoT 為平台,使用 Linux 進行開發,學習開發各式功能,觀看本片,您將學會在 NuMaker NUC980 IIoT上使用 Ethernet 連接到 AWS IoT 服務。 大家好我是新唐工程師 Miya,今天要為各位介紹,如何使用 NuMaker NUC980 IIoT 開發平台連接 Amazon 的物聯網,以下簡稱 AWS 連結網址 ,登入 AWS 帳號 點擊右上角的 “Sign In to the Console”,進入帳號登入頁面 輸入您的帳號密碼,點擊 “Sign In” 進行登入 登入之後,進到 “AWS 管理控制台” 頁面 在搜尋欄位,輸入 “IoT Core”,會出現 IoT Core 連結,點擊進入 在左邊的欄位選擇 “入門” 頁面 在 “設定裝置” 點擊 “開始使用” ,開始設置 IoT 裝置 選擇連接 AWS IoT連線方式。platform 請選擇 Linux, SDK 請選擇 Python。 點擊 “下一步” 進到下一個頁面。 接下來開始註冊一個 IoT Thing,有三個步驟。 首先命名 IoT Thing,接著按下一步。 這個連線套件不會用到,按取消之後跳到下一步。 接下來2個頁面直接按 “完成” “完成”。 系統會跳回到管理頁面。 點擊左側選單 “管理”  “實物”。可以看到剛剛建立的 my-IoT 出現在 IoT Thing 裡面了。 接下來要對這個新建立的 Thing 做一些設定,直接點擊新建立的 Thing-my-IoT,進入管理頁面。 在左側選單,選擇 “互動” 。 在互動頁面裡可以看到 Thing 的 HTTPS 連結。 複製此 HTTPS,用戶端應用程序需要知道這個連結,才能夠連接到這個 IoT Thing。 接下來下載安全憑證,請在頁面左側選單,點擊 “安全”,進入憑證頁面。 然後點擊 “建立憑證”。 憑證建立完成會產生三個檔案,分別是憑證、公鑰及私鑰。分別點擊 “下載”以下載這三個檔案,NuMaker NUC980 IIoT 開發平台用戶端進行 AWS IoT 連線的時候會用到。 下載完成之後,點擊 “啟用”,使這個安全憑證生效。 接著還需要下載 AWS IoT 的根憑證,點擊 “CA 下載” 連結,以開啟另一個瀏覽頁面。 點 CA Certificates for Service Authentication 連結,系統會跳到 AWS IoT root CA 的下載頁面。 請選擇第一個根憑證,RSA 2048 bit key,按滑鼠右鍵,另存連結,存到檔案 “AmazonRootCA1.pem”。 下載完成之後,回到剛剛的頁面。 接下來,點擊 “連接政策”,進行 policy 設定。 點擊 “建立新政策”以建立一個新的 policy。 先輸入 policy 名稱。 選擇 “進階模式”,直接編輯 policy 內容。 在Effect 敘述輸入 Allow,允許操作。 在 Action 敘述輸入 “I:*”,接受所有的 IoT 命令。 在 Resource 敘述輸入 “*”, 允許取用 resource。 按 “建立” 建立新的 Policy。 在左側選單,重新點擊 “管理”→ “實物”,選擇 my-IoT thing,回到 my-IoT 頁面。 再次點擊 “安全”,然後選擇剛才建立的憑證。 在憑證頁面左側的選單選擇 “政策”。目前 Policies 還是空的。 打開右上角的 “動作”下拉選單,選擇 “連接政策”。 在 Policy 列表裡面,會出現剛才新建立的 Policy。打勾選取,然後按 “連接 “,完成 policy 的附加。 這時候 Policies 頁面就會出現我們所選擇的 Policy 了。到這邊已經建立好了雲端的 IoT Thing。接下來,要在 NuMaker NUC980 IoT 板上建立用戶端 IoT 應用。 請連接網址 以下載 mbedTLS library。 點擊連結 mbed TLS 2.16.3(Apache) 進行下載儲存。 接下來要將把下載的 mbedTLS library 複製到 NUC980 Linux 開發環境下;先解壓 mbedTLS library後,用 git 下載 AWS 的 SDK。 git clone 下載完成之後,先刪除他在 external lib 目錄下的 mbedTLS 目錄,這是個空目錄。 將先前下載解壓後的 mbedTLS 目錄移動到 external lib 目錄下就可以直接編譯 AWS SDK 的範例了。 進到 AWS SDK 的 samples 目錄下的 Linux 目錄下可以看到 5 個 範例。要使用的範例是最底下這個 subscribe_publish_sample。 進到這個範例的目錄下。 有三個檔案,需要作一些修改。 首先修改 makefile,將 compiler linker 由 gcc,改為 NUC980 Linux toolchain 的 compiler linker。 51. 往底下找到 CRYPTO_LIB_DIR,修改路徑,將 crypto 刪除,這樣 makefile 就完成修改了。 (~00:25) 52. 接著是 header file,修改MQTT HOST 連結路徑,先前我們在 IoT thing 的 “互動” 頁面所複製 的 HTTPS 連結,將它貼到這裡。(~00:46) 53. CLIENT ID 請任意取一個名稱,不要與其他用戶端名稱重複即可。(~00:55) 54. MY THING NAME 要用前面建立的 IoT Thing 的名稱: my-IoT。(~01:02) 55. 底下的 ROOT CA file name,IoT Certificate file name,以及 IoT private key filename。 56. 前面在建立 IoT Thing 安全憑證過程中,有下載了 Root CA 及 IoT 安全憑證幾個檔案,請將 檔案名稱填寫到這裡。 最後是修改 點 C,系統會將範例程式執行檔放到 root file system 的 usr/bin 目錄下,並將憑證檔案放到 usr/certs 目錄下。 這裡請將憑證指定目錄改為 相對路徑的 ../certs。 接著打 make 直接進行編譯。 編譯需要幾分鐘的時間,影片跳過了編譯部分。 接下來,將編譯好的應用程序複製到 rootfs 的 /usr/bin 目錄下。 然後將根憑證及 IoT 安全憑證檔案複製到 rootfs 的 /usr/certs 目錄下。這裡已經事先複製好了。完成後到 BSP Linux 目錄下,編譯 kernel。 將 kernel 上傳到 IoT 開發板上面執行。 下 ifconfig + udhcpc 指令連接網絡。 由於憑證有時效性問題,需要修改系統時間,以免因為憑證過期導致無法連接。 進到 usr/bin 目錄下,執行 AWS用戶端範例程序。 可以看到用戶端已經成功連接 AWS 雲端。這個範例會不斷地發佈並且接收訊息。 - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 購買管道: 聯絡我們:
훈련  도구  공부하다  Watch time - 7:34
介紹如何在 NuMaker IoT M487 上運行 MicroPython,以及展示使用 Python 程式碼,來控制開發板上的 LED。 大家好,我是新唐工程師 Cliff,現在為您介紹新唐 IoT 系列課程。讓您了解如何在 NuMicro 系列 MCU 上運行 Python 程式碼。在這部影片中,我們將呈現如何將 Python 直譯器下載及燒錄到 NuMaker 板子上,以及寫一段簡單 Python 程式碼,來控制 LED 的明滅。 首先我先介紹 MicroPython。MicroPython 是使用 ANSI C 來打造可在微控器上運行的 Python 直譯器、核心程式庫和底層硬體介面模組。借助 MicroPython,使用者可以使用 Python 語言來實現微控器底層硬體控制,例如:LED 的控制,ADC 的讀取等。 另外 MicroPython 還提供了 REPL 模式 ( Read Eval Print Loop ),讓使 用者可以直接在命令列上直接下達輸入 Python 程式碼,無需編譯,直接在微控器上執行。 接下來這是系統架構示意圖。應用程式是使用 Python 語言寫成的,可以被儲存在內建 Flash 或 SD card 內,或者由命令列輸入。 MicroPython 做為一個直譯器,它會持續的在硬體上運行,從內建 Flash 讀取 Python 應用程式碼並執行應用程式碼內容。那如何讓 MicroPython 跑在 NuMicro MCU 上呢? 新唐提供了 NuMicroPy 這個 MicroPython 的移植方案,您可以從 這位網址下載這整個軟體 開發包。 NuMicroPy 移植了 MicroPython 直譯器和核心庫外,也移植了底層硬體介面模組,如:UART, I2C, CAN, Ethernet 等。另外也提供 USB Mass Storage 的方式來更新使用者的 Python 應用程式碼,僅需 USB 線便可以在電腦上,使用複製貼上方式將使用者的程式碼寫入到微控器的內建 Flash。 NuMicroPy 目前支援了三塊 NuMaker 板子。分別是 M487 系列的 NuMaker-PFM-M487 和 NuMaker-IOT-M487。它的核心為 Arm Cotrex M4。 以及,M263系列的 NuMaker-M263KI 板子,它的核心為 Arm Cotrex M23。以上這三塊板子您可以從 Nuvoton Direct 購得。 這個圖表列出了目前 MicroPython 移植到這三塊板子後,所需要的 ROM 和 RAM 空間。由於 M263 不支援 Ethernet,所以在 ROM 和 RAM 的需求上會比較小。注意:列出的空間需求,不包含 Python 應用程式。 接下來為各位示範 ”如何在 NuMicro上玩 Python”。首先準備一塊NuMaker-IoT-M487板子,二條USB線。 軟體上的需求是,請先下載 NuMicroPy 軟體開發包。然後安裝終端模擬程式,如:Tera Term, PuTTY等。最後選用一個你常用的文件編輯器,例如: Notepad,來編寫 Python 程式。 接下來為各位示範 "如何在 M487 IOT 開發板上玩 Python”。 請先下載 NuMicroPy 軟體開發包。然後安裝終端模擬程式,如 :Tera Term, PuTTY等。最後選用一個你常用的文件編輯器,例如: Notepad,來編寫 Python 程式。 東西準備好了後,我們先確認開發板上 NuLink-Me 的 Mass storage 和 Virtual com port 的功能是否開啟。然後將開發板上請 將 ISW1 開關元件,都切至 ON 的位置,以打開開發板上 NuLink- Me 的 Mass storage 和 Virtual com port 的功能。 接著將 NuLink Me 的 USB 接上電腦,這時電腦會出現一個 ”NuMicro MCU” 磁碟槽,這表示 NuLink-Me 的 Mass storage 已開啟。 接下來開啟 Tera term 終端模擬程式來連接 NuLink-Me 的 Virtual com port。點選序列埠,選擇 USB Serial Device。 從 Setup 點選 Serial port,然後設定 Baud rate 到為 115200,按下 OK。 接下來我們要著進行 MicroPython 直譯器的燒錄。 在 NuMicroPy 開發包裡 build目錄下,放置了已編譯好的 MicroPython firmware,進入相對應的開發板目錄,會有一個 firmware.bin檔案。 複製將這 firmware.bin 這個檔案,使用複製然後貼上到 ”NuMicro MCU” 磁碟槽內。 等檔案寫入成功並且終端模擬器出現 MicroPython 的 REPL 提示號,表示MicroPython 已成功的運行在開發板上。 最後我們將寫一段簡單控制 LED 明滅的 Python 程式碼,並把它儲存到開發板內建 Flash。 首先產生一個 檔,並使用文字編輯器編輯 Python 程式碼。 Import pyb 模組,從 pyb 模組 import LED class 產生一個 led 物件,在無限迴圈裡,執行:led 滅,延時一秒,led 亮,延時一秒。結束,存檔。 接著把開發板上的 USB1.1 接上電腦後,按住 SW2 按鍵並 同時,接著按一下 RESET 鍵後。 等終端模擬程式出現 ”Start USB device MSC class” 後才放 開 SW2 鍵。這時候電腦會出現 ”PYBFLASH” 磁碟槽,裡面會有一個 檔。把我們剛寫好的 檔,使用複製貼上替換掉 ”PYBFLASH” 磁碟槽內的。 完成後再按一下 RESET 鍵,這時候剛完成的 Python 應用程式就會開始被執行。您會看到 led 明滅變化。 以上是這次的教學影片,感謝您的收看。 如果您想知道更多資訊,歡迎聯絡我們! - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 購買管道: 聯絡我們: #Tool #Training #Learning #Intermediate #zh-Hant
Watch time - 4:33
Tubular motors can be easily seen everywhere such as curtains, rolling doors, and automatic clothes racks. As the concept of home automation is spreading widely, those products become more and more popular. Nuvoton provides completed platform, ML51 series for different needs of tubular motors. It’s based on 1-T 8051 core, running up to 24 MHz core speed. It provides 12-bit ADC detecting motor current and up to 2 sets of analog comparators for overcurrent and overvoltage protection. Much higher safety features for the tubular motors are realized. 105-degree high-temperature resistance makes it suitable for control box exposed outdoors. As for the multiple noises and inference environment, ML51 series provides strong immunity like 8 kV ESD and 4.4 kV EFT. Hello, everyone, welcome back to Nuvoton’s YouTube channel, I am the product manager of microcontrollers. Today I am going to show you our successful story, home automation with the Tubular motor, which adopts our latest industrial microcontroller, ML51 series. Today the topic we are going to talk about is the home automation and motorization system for curtain and doors. These tubular motors can be easily seen around everywhere, like curtain, rolling door, garage door, and automatic clothes rake…and so on. As the concept of home automation is spreading widely, those products are more and more popular. For example, the automatic curtain is popularly applied in hotel, new building, hospital and new store, why is this product become more and more popular? Lazy economy becomes a new type of consumption demand, people pursue a time-saving and labor-saving product, imagined if you have an emitter to control curtain automatically, and smart adjustment with the brightness of outdoor. And the new product hit the shelf is automatic clothes rake, now this new product is not only a hanger but also integrated with UV light disinfection, heating function and fan controller. About the garage door, now integrated more security function, such as overcurrent protection for device longevity, infrared system can be added to increase anti-pinch security. Nuvoton provides completed platform, ML51 series for different needs of tubular motors. It’s based on 1-T 8051 core, running at 24MHz core speed, provides 12-bit ADC can detect motor current, up to 2 sets of analog comparator to have overcurrent and over voltage protection so can provide much higher safety feature for the tubular motors. ML51 series also provide from 1.8V to 5V power supply, so whether the AC power or the battery supplied can easily be adapts to different power source. This series has up to 105-degree high temperature resistance, which also can be very suitable for control box explore at outdoors. As for the multiple noise and inference environment, ML51 series provides strong immunity like 8 kV ESD and 4.4 kV EFT. Nuvoton provides an easy-to-use development environment, which includes NuMaker board, Nu-Link, BSP and sample codes, those tools can help you shorten your development cycles. On the backside of each development board, you can find the website which the comprehensive information is available. Nuvoton has some successful case in China and Europe. We hope to have more new opportunities after releasing this video. Thanks for watching, if you like this video please give it a thumbs up, if you have any question can also leave a message at bottom, we will have personal to reply the question soon. The ML51 NuMaker boards are now available at Nuvoton official eStore Thank you again for staying with us. Hope to see you soon. Bye~ For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: NuMaker-ML51PC/ NuTiny-ML51EB9AE/ contact us:
Watch time - 4:59
Secure Smart Metering Communication Reference Design Hi everybody, today we are going to introduce a reference design of Smart-Metering communication card based on NuMicro M2351 Series microcontroller. You can find useful security features based on the Arm Cortex-M23 CPU core with Nuvoton’s in-house technology integration. The auto-metering is an infrastructure for automatic, remotely, wire or wireless meter data reading. It’s highly possible to be intervened if there is no security mechanism. That is a very typical IoT security issue in the IoT era. In many countries, there are a lot of Auto-Metering Infrastructure (AMI) projects being undertaken by main electricity power companies worldwide. Most projects start from upgrading the communication modem cards as the first step rather than retiring the meters. The modem card can play as a gateway to monitor the incorrect device operation and data transmission security. Issues of modem card security are covering: First, a limited performance due to crypto computation efficiency Second, speed limitation due to interface choice The third, cost burden due to extra hardware modules for different communication protocols Nuvoton’s reference design of Secure Smart Meter Communication is an end-to-end security solution for AMI. With the collaboration with SPI-Korea, the solution incorporates a lot of advantages such as TrustZone security for firmware, a range of interfaces for device communication, secure over-the-air firmware update, and remote management. With the complete hardware specification of M2351, a security software company, SPI-Korea, can easily implement their secure AMI solution for modem card which connects meters and cloud servers. M2351 also contributes the crypto acceleration during the cryptographic computing in order to save CPU time for different communication protocol modules by its powerful hardware functionalities during message transmission outside of a microcontroller unit. SPI-Korea has developed a range of Armv8-M TrustZone based technologies. Her expertise covers Boot Manager, Key Manager, and Device Manager, which is very useful for microcontroller security and certainly shows the stability of a microcontroller device. Also, they are certified by Korea Electricity Company. We hope this successful experience can be further adopted in other areas worldwide because it’s a secure, accurate and environmentally safe solution for AMI. This slide is a picture for SPI-Korea AMI modem card design. NuMicro Family microcontrollers can be utilized for designs of auto-metering infrastructure devices. We start from AMI modem card and we are confident to support meters of any next-generation of AMI. We now integrate M23-based microcontroller with M4-based or Arm9-based microcontroller as a proposal for next-generation modem card of Korea AMI and we hope to provide high-performing cost-effective solution for all AMI devices in the future. - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: contact us:
제품  공부하다  Watch time - 3:48
This video is going to show you our latest Low power ML51 series microcontroller. The ML51 platform features high performance and pin-to-pin compatibility with our 32-bit microcontrollers, such as M480, M031, and M261 series . ML51 series supports up to 24MHz operation frequency, and 1.8V to 5.5V operating voltage, it provides four power modes: normal run mode, low power run mode, low power idle mode, and power down mode. In power down mode with multiple wake-up sources. The power consumption in low power idle mode is down to 13 μA and in power down mode it is less than 0.8 μA. When the clock runs at internal RC oscillator can also allow 9600 baud rate for UART communication. ADC supports up to 8 channels of 12-bit ADC, analog comparator and five levels of the internal reference voltage, ML51 provide two channels of PDMA, strong immunity like 8 kV ESD and 4.4 kV EFT. - For more information, please visit: buy now: NuMaker-ML51PC/ NuTiny-ML51EB9AE/ contact us: #Product #Learning #Basic #en
제품  공부하다  Watch time - 4:26
NUC980 Series Microprocessor is a solution designed for industrial control and industrial IoT applications, such as gateway, serial server, remote control unit, plug and play data collector and IoT development platforms. NUC980 series embedded with an ARM9 core supports Linux, FreeRTOS and Non-OS Board Supporting Package. By using MCP technology, NUC980 series supports up to 128 MB DRAM. Not only can NUC980 simplify your hardware design, but help your product time to market. A less-layered PCB and a reduced PCB size can lower the BOM cost. NUC980 supports 2 High Speed and 6 Full Speed USB Host controllers that can be used for a replaceable module due to the plug and play feature of USB interface. Other interfaces include 10 UART, 4 I2C, 3 SPI, 4 CAN BUS, and 2 Camera sensor interface. Designers can use these interfaces to collect or convert the data needed. NUC980 features AES, RSA, SHA and ECC hardware crypto accelerator for CPU offloading. This crypto engine can be applied at data transfer, identification, and key exchange.Nuvoton also provides IoT protocols like HTTP, HTTPS, MQTT, CoAP, openSSL to help customers accomplish a security IoT platform easily. Nuvoton NUC980 adopts MCP technology supporting up to 128 MB DRAM. Developers can design a secure IoT product fast and convenient with the help of the hardware crypto engine. Next, I will introduce related development platforms. NuMaker NUC980 Serial Server Board is suitable for applications like serial server or serial to Ethernet gateways. This develop board includes 2 10/100 Ethernet ports, 8 UART ports, 1 MicroSD Slot, 2 USB ports and 16MB SPI NOR Flash. NuMaker NUC980 USB developer board is suitable for data collection applications. This board includes 1 10/100 Ethernet port, 8 USB ports, 5 UART ports, and 128 MB NAND Flash. NuMaker NUC980 Industrial IOT developer board is suitable for IOT applications. This board includes 1 10/100 Ethernet Port, 2 USB ports, microphone input, earphone output, 128 MB SPI NAND Flash and an Arduino Compatible interface. - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: buy now: contact us: #Product #Learning #Basic #en
Watch time - 3:56
NUC980為新唐提供的工業物聯網開發平台,適合應用於閘道器、串列伺服器、遠端控制裝置、隨插即用資料採集裝置及物聯網開發平台 NUC980 使用ARM9 內核,支援 Linux/FreeRTOS及Non-OS 的開發套件,採用MCP (Multi-Chip Package)封裝技術,內建最高達128 MB DRAM,讓硬體設計更容易,縮短產品上市時間。因為PCB層數減少、尺寸縮小,成本自然可以降低. 利用 USB具有即插即用的特性,NUC980擁有2組高速及6組全速USB主機控制器,實現可隨時更換模組的需求。其餘周邊介面如: 10組UART、4組I2C、3組SPI、4組CAN BUS及2組CMOS Sensor介面等,透過不同的介面達成資料轉換及資料採集的目的 NUC980內建AES、RSA、SHA及ECC的加解密引擎,可用於資料傳輸、身分認證及公私鑰交換,除了提升運算速度,並可有效降低CPU負載。另外,新唐也提供豐富的物聯網通訊協議,包含HTTP、HTTPS、MQTT、CoAP、openSSL等,幫助客戶加速完成高安全性的物聯網解決方案。 新唐NUC980採用MCP (Multi-Chip Package)技術,內建最高達128 MB DRAM,並提供硬體加解密引擎,協助客戶方便且快速設計安全的連網產品。接下來將為您介紹相關開發平台: -NuMaker NUC980 Serial Server開發板,適合應用於串列伺服器類型的產品開發,此開發板具備2組10/100 網路口、8組UART、1組MicroSD 卡槽、2組USB 接口以及 16 MB SPI NOR FLASH。 -NuMaker NUC980 USB開發板,適合應用於多組USB介面需求的資料採集裝置,此開發板具備1組 10/100 網路口、8組USB、5組UART及128 MB NAND FLASH。NuMaker NUC980 IIOT 開發板適合物聯網應用產品的開發,此開發板具備 1組 10/100 網路口、2 組USB 、麥克風輸入、耳機輸出、128 MB SPI NAND Flash以及 Arduino相容的介面 NUC980 Series Microprocessor is a solution designed for industrial control and industrial IoT applications, such as gateway, serial server, remote control unit, plug and play data collector and IoT development platforms. NUC980 series embedded with an ARM9 core supports Linux, FreeRTOS and Non-OS Board Supporting Package. By using MCP technology, NUC980 series supports up to 128 MB DRAM. Not only can NUC980 simplify your hardware design, but help your product time to market. A less-layered PCB and a reduced PCB size can lower the BOM cost. NUC980 supports 2 High Speed and 6 Full Speed USB Host controllers that can be used for a replaceable module due to the plug and play feature of USB interface. Other interfaces include 10 UART, 4 I2C, 3 SPI, 4 CAN BUS, and 2 Camera sensor interface. Designers can use these interfaces to collect or convert the data needed. NUC980 features AES, RSA, SHA and ECC hardware crypto accelerator for CPU offloading. This crypto engine can be applied at data transfer, identification, and key exchange.Nuvoton also provides IoT protocols like HTTP, HTTPS, MQTT, CoAP, openSSL to help customers accomplish a security IoT platform easily. Nuvoton NUC980 adopts MCP technology supporting up to 128 MB DRAM. Developers can design a secure IoT product fast and convenient with the help of the hardware crypto engine. Next, I will introduce related development platforms. NuMaker NUC980 Serial Server Board is suitable for applications like serial server or serial to Ethernet gateways. This develop board includes 2 10/100 Ethernet ports, 8 UART ports, 1 MicroSD Slot, 2 USB ports and 16MB SPI NOR Flash. NuMaker NUC980 USB developer board is suitable for data collection applications. This board includes 1 10/100 Ethernet port, 8 USB ports, 5 UART ports, and 128 MB NAND Flash. NuMaker NUC980 Industrial IOT developer board is suitable for IOT applications. This board includes 1 10/100 Ethernet Port, 2 USB ports, microphone input, earphone output, 128 MB SPI NAND Flash and an Arduino Compatible interface. - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 購買網址: 聯絡我們
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