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前瞻應用  學習  影片長度 - 7:32
此影片將教各位從零開始使用 Chili Board,下載新唐提供的虛擬環境、BSP、Linux 環境設定、Image 編譯與燒錄、Chili Board 開機。基於新唐提供的開發平台,能有效縮短使用者在 Linux 的環境設定時間,直接進入開發應用程式的階段。 【步驟&時間軸】 00:00​ Intro 簡介 00:23 下載 Linux 開發環境 VMware 虛擬機、NUC980 Linux V4.4 BSP 00:59 開啟 VMware 主程式 01:42 更新 Buildroot 工具 02:44 開發板的編譯設定 03:31 抓取 Image 檔 04:12 uboot 啟動參數 04:23 安裝 NuWriter 所需要的相關檔案 05:15 將開發板兩個 Micro USB 接上 PC 05:20 執行 NuWriter 05:34 打開 PuTTY 06:10 開始燒錄 Image 【Linux 開發環境 VMware 虛擬機】 https://www.nuvoton.com/resource-download.jsp?tp_GUID=SW1320200406183205 【NUC980 Linux V4.4 BSP】 https://www.nuvoton.com/resource-download.jsp?tp_GUID=SW1820200909165814 【更新 Buildroot 工具】 進入 Buildroot 資料夾後請輸入以下指令: git reset --hard git pull 更新完成後進入 dl 資料夾,先將既有的 linux kernel 與 u-boot 刪除,並輸入以下指令: sudo rm -rf linux-master.tar.gz 輸入密碼 user,並輸入以下指令: sudo rm -rf uboot-master.tar.gz 離開 dl 資料夾,進入 Builroot 資料夾下 make clean。 【開發板的編譯設定】 進入 configs 資料夾,找到開發板名稱後回到 buildroot,輸入: make nuvoton_nuc980_chili_defconfig 產生預設的 configuration file,設定完成後輸入 make 開始編譯。 編譯完成後,點選左方檔案系統至各個地方抓取 Image 檔複製到 PC 資料夾,請參考以下路徑: /NUC970_Buildroot-master/output/images/uImage /NUC970_Buildroot-master/output/build/uboot-master/u-boot.bin env.txt 則需要自己建立,此檔案為 uboot 啟動參數,請參考下方文字: baudrate=115200 bootdelay=1 stderr=serial stdin=serial stdout=serial setspi=sf probe 0 30000000 loadkernel=sf read 0x7fc0 0x200000 0x800000 bootcmd=run setspi;run loadkernel;bootm 0x7fc0 #Linux #IoT #工業物聯網 #物聯網 #NUC980 #ChiliBoard #NuMaker-RTU-NUC980 #NK-RTU980 #RTU #application #learning #intermediate #zh-Hant - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC 購買管道:https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw 聯絡我們: SalesSupport@nuvoton.com
工具  前瞻應用  學習  影片長度 - 7:34
此影片將教大家如何使用 Chili Board 完成遠端監控與資料存取應用。一步步教學完成從網路 IP 設定到遠端操控 Child Board 及內部資料存取的實例操作。 【步驟&時間軸】 00:00​ Intro 簡介 00:31 網頁與開發板的互動範例 01:03 接下來設定網路 IP 位址 01:24 更改 PC 的 IP 位址 02:07 修改 Ubuntu 內部網路設定 02:39 測試網路是否通順 03:05 開啟 Chili Board 終端機介面 03:37 Web Server 04:15 遠端資料存取與監控的範例 04:48 修改 Ubuntu 內部網路設定 05:10 開啟終端機介面 05:37 使用跳線將 USB0_H 接地並且拔除 USB0_D 05:59 創建分享給開發板的資料夾 06:39 插入 USB Webcam 06:48 創建 nfs 資料夾 07:05 使用 Webcam 拍攝照片 【推薦觀看】 新唐 Chili Board – 開發板與平台介紹:https://youtu.be/tkYXZoYUY68 新唐 Chili Board (1) – 下載、編譯與燒錄教學:https://youtu.be/9W8HGrzjGZ8 #網頁與開發板互動範例 (1) 檢查開發板 Network File System Support 是否有開啟 (2) 輸入: linux-menuconfig (3) 進入 configuration 選單 (4) 依序選擇 File Systems、Network File System (5) 檢查以下選項是否開啟: NFS client support NFS client support for NFS version 2 NFS client support for NFS version 3 (如果有任意選項未開啟,則需要重新編譯後燒錄至開發板) #設定網路IP位址 (1) 將開發板、PC 與 Ubuntu 設定為同一網域 (2) 將 Chili Board 網路孔與 PC 連接 (3) 在 Chili Board 終端機輸入: ifconfig (4) 確認 IP 位址為 #虛擬機透過PC端網路連上網 (1) 將網路設定設為可連上網路的狀態 (2) 在 Ubuntu 上安裝 Network File System Server (3) 虛擬機的部分需要先到 VMware Network Adapter (4) Network Connection 選擇 NAT #修改Ubuntu內部網路設定 (1) 從右上角進入 Wired Settings (2) 將網路關閉為 OFF,點選齒輪進入設定 (3) 點選 IPv4,將 IPv4 Methoad 改為 Automatic (DHCP) (4) 關閉後將網路開啟為 ON (5) 設定完成後開啟終端機介面,輸入已下指令: sudo apt-get install nfs-kernel-server rpcbind 此為安裝 Network File System Server 的套件 能將此 Ubuntu 虛擬機設為網路共享資料夾的主機 其他有安裝 Network File System Client 的套件的開發板經過一次設定後 都能存取特定資料夾 #創建分享給開發板的資料夾 (1) 於終端機介面創建資料夾 (2) 在 /home/user 底下輸入指令: mkdir -p nfs (3) 創建完成後輸入以下指令更改設定檔: sudo gedit /etc/exports (4) 將以下指令加進去: /home/user/nfs,sync,no_root_squash) (5) 輸入以下指令,重啟 Network File System Server 加載剛剛的設定檔: sudo /etc/init.d/nfs-kernel-server restart #設定Network_File_System (1) 在來到 mnt 資料夾下創建 nfs 資料夾 (與 Ubuntu 的 nfs 資料夾共享) (2) 輸入以下指令完成設定 Network File System: mount -o nolock -t nfs /mnt/nfs #使用Webcam拍攝照片 (1) 進入 nfs 資料夾 (2) 輸入以下指令使用 Webcam 拍攝照片: fswebcam -r 640x480 test.jpg #NUC980 #NuMaker-RTU-NUC980 #Linux #IoT #物聯網 #遠端監控 #遠端資料存取 #RemoteMonitoring #RemoteControl #RTU #新唐科技 #Nuvoton #application #tool #learning #intermediate #zh-Hant - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC 購買管道:https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw 聯絡我們: SalesSupport@nuvoton.com
培訓  工具  學習  影片長度 - 5:53
Hello everyone, I am Morgan, the principal engineer of Nuvoton Technology. Today, I will show you how to connect to AWS IoT service using MbedOS on NuMaker-IoT-M487 development board The sample code is on GitHub, the URL is https://github.com/OpenNuvoton/Mbed-to-AWS-IoT To avoid typos, use keyword “OpenNuvoton” to search on google. Find the Nuvoton on GitHub, and click it On the Nuvoton GitHub page, use AWS as keyword to search the sample code: Mbed-to-AWS-IoT Right click to copy the URL for later use. Then enter the URL https://ide.mbed.com After log in, make sure the NuMaker-IoT-M487 board has selected in the upper right corner. If not, please refer Nuvoton IoT Tutorial series “Get Started with Mbed OS”. There is detailed description of how to add a board. Click the “Import” on the left of menu bar. In the “Import Wizard”, click “Click here” Please paste or key in the sample code URL to “Source URL:”, Select Import as “Program” Click “Import Name”, the project name “Mbed-to-AWS-IoT” will be filled automatically. Then click “Import”. After sample code imported, click “mbed_app.json” to open it. To use Wi-Fi, you have to configure SSID and password to match your Wi-Fi AP setting. In NuMaker_IOT_M487 session of mbed_app.json file, find the “wifi-ssid” to set your SSID. It is at line 44. And then set password to “wifi-password”. It is at line 45. Save it and click “Compile” to build the code. It takes time to compile code, please wait. You need an AWS account to use AWS IoT Core service. To create a thing, a policy, and certificates, then put the certificate to MQTT_server_setting.h file in the sample code. The sample code has included a certificate provided by Nuvoton for test only, so that you can quickly operate this example. If you don’t have an AWS account, it is recommended that you apply for an account and use your certificates in the example to observe the connection status on AWS IoT console page. After completed, “Success” will appear in the compile output window. The browser downloads the binary firmware file directly after a successful compiling. It will be saved in a default download folder. In Chrome, you can click download file and select “Show in folder”. Then we connect the NuMaker-IoT-M487 USB port to your computer. Please find the virtual COM port assigned for NuMaker-IoT-M487 in Device Manager. In the tutorial, the “Nu-Link Virtual Com Port” is COMx. Then use your favorite terminal tool. Here we use Putty. Open the COMx port with 115200 baud rate. And no flow control settings. Then “Open” it. Back to the folder you just download the binary firmware file (Mbed-to-AWS-IoT.NUMAKER_IOT_M487.bin). Drag and drop the file to NuMicro MCU drive. You will see the copying progress dialog box. You can see the messages on terminal. The device has acquired IP address from Wi-Fi AP, then successfully connect to AWS IoT and subscribe a topic. Then press button (SW2) on board to send a message. You can see the message published to server and received a message from server. That’s all for this tutorial. Thank you for watching. Welcome to subscribe to our channel. If you want to get more information, please contact us “SalesSupport@nuvoton.com” - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC Buy now: https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw/numaker-iot-m487 Contact us: SalesSupport@nuvoton.com #tool #training #learning #intermediate #en
前瞻應用  學習  影片長度 - 4:3
The purpose of video is to demonstrate functions of NuMaker-RTU-NUC980 within 5 minutes, including Ethernet webserver, Wi-Fi webserver, USB camera, and NFS function. If you get the NuMaker-RTU-NUC980 board, you can follow this video to implement all the functions #application #learning #intermediate #en - For more information, please visit: https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC Buy now: https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw/numaker-rtu-nuc980?search_query=Chili&results=1 Contact us: SalesSupport@nuvoton.com
前瞻應用  學習  影片長度 - 1:33
新唐全新推出小辣椒 (Chili) 開發平台,採用 NUC980 家族 IC 所設計,提供一個已經安裝 Linux 的平台,無須處理複雜的交叉編譯環境,僅需在 VMware 環境下執行 NUC980 的 BSP,即可於拿到板子 15 分鐘內進行應用程序的開發,由於體積小,安裝容易,可於開發完成後直接安裝在既有的系統中,進行聯網的操控及應用。 #application #learning #intermediate #zh-Hant - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC 購買管道:https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw/numaker-rtu-nuc980?search_query=Chili&results=1 聯絡我們: SalesSupport@nuvoton.com
前瞻應用  學習  影片長度 - 3:7
只需使用 N9H20 產品 LQFP128 封裝 ARM9 CPU 產出具有多國語言語音提示彩色動畫顯示參考設計。 - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC 購買管道:https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw/ 聯絡我們: SalesSupport@nuvoton.com #application #learning #intermediate #zh-Hant
前瞻應用  學習  影片長度 - 1:30
Nuvoton provides a new development platform, Chili. Chili is designed by NUC980 family. A user can begin application developing within 15 minutes once receiving this PCB. This PCB is very small and can be easily installed into another system after development complete. It is suitable for some remote control or IoT applications. #application #learning #intermediate #en - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC Buy now: https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw/numaker-rtu-nuc980?search_query=Chili&results=1 Contact us: SalesSupport@nuvoton.com
培訓  工具  學習  影片長度 - 5:0
Hello everyone, I am Morgan, the principal engineer of Nuvoton Technology. Today, I will show you how to record and play audio with Mbed OS on NuMaker-IoT-M487 development board. Open Chrome browser, and enter the URL https://ide.mbed.com to use the Mbed Online Compiler. After log in, make sure that NuMaker-IoT-M487 board already selected in the upper right corner. If not, please refer Nuvoton IoT Tutorial series “Get Started with Mbed OS” which has a detailed description of how to add a board. Click the “New” on the left of menu bar, a “Create new program” window will be displayed. You can see that the Platform has been set to NuMaker-IoT-M487. In the Template, select the "NuMaker audio playback" for this tutorial. Then click OK. Now you can see that the sample code has loaded on the page. The sample code has three functions: 1. Record 10 seconds sound and save to Micro SD card 2. Play sounds stored in Micro SD card 3. Loopback. Record sound and play it immediately. Click main.cpp to open it. Then scroll down to line 421. You can see the functions calls here. It set to loopback only. Let’s do a little modification. Hit a key on console to start record 10 seconds then play it, and then do loopback. printf("Press a key to start recording 10 seconds..."); getchar(); demo_record(); demo_play(); demo_loopback(); Save it and click “Compile” to build the code. Compilation takes a while, please wait. After the compilation is completed, “Success” will appear in the compile output window. The browser downloads the binary firmware file directly after a successful compiling. It will be saved in a default download folder. In Chrome, you can click download file and select “Show in folder”. Please plug an earphone commonly used for mobile phone in headphone jack on NuMaker-IoT-M487 board. For demonstration, we use a headphone splitter cable to connect a microphone and a speaker. Do not put the microphone and speaker too close to avoid feedback howling. Then connect the USB port to your computer and make sure the onboard LED lights up. Back to the folder you just download the binary firmware file (NuMaker-mbed-AudioPlayback-example.NUMAKER_IOT_M487.bin). Drag and drop the file to NuMicro MCU drive. You will see the copying progress dialog box. Please find the virtual COM port assigned for NuMaker-IoT-M487 in Device Manager. In the demonstration, the “Nu-Link Virtual Com Port” is COMx. Then use your favorite terminal tool. Here we use Putty. Open the COMx port with 9600 baud rate. And no flow control settings. Then “Open” it. Press “Reset” on board to run the firmware again. Press a key on terminal to start record. Speak for about 10 seconds, then your voice will be played. That’s all for this tutorial. Thank you for watching. Welcome to subscribe to our channel. If you want to get more information, please contact us “SalesSupport@nuvoton.com” - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC Buy now: https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw/numaker-iot-m487 Contact us: SalesSupport@nuvoton.com #tool #training #learning #intermediate #en
前瞻應用  學習  影片長度 - 8:43
此影片目的是在 10 分鐘以內架設虛擬環境並載入新唐為使用者建立完善的 Linux 映像檔,其中包含新唐 arm9 系列的 nuc980/nuc970 buildroot 以及安裝 nuc980 BSP,並以 NuMaker NUC980 IIOT 發開版展示兩組 uart port 互相資料傳輸之範例程式展示。 #application #learning #intermediate #zh-Hant - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 http://www.nuvoton.com 購買管道:https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw/numaker-iot-m263a 聯絡我們: SalesSupport@nuvoton.com
培訓  工具  學習  影片長度 - 3:55
Hello everyone, I am Morgan, the principal engineer of Nuvoton Technology. Today, I will show you how to use SD card with Mbed OS on NuMaker-IoT-M487 development board. Open Chrome browser, and enter the URL https://ide.mbed.com to use the Mbed Online Compiler. After log in, make sure that NuMaker-IoT-M487 board already selected in the upper right corner. If not, please refer Nuvoton IoT Tutorial series “Get Started with Mbed OS” which has a detailed description of how to add a board. Click the “New” on the left of menu bar, a “Create new program” window will be displayed. You can see that the Platform has been set to NuMaker-IoT-M487. In the Template, select the "NuMaker SD-File-System with SD mode" for this tutorial. Then click OK. Now you can see that the sample code has loaded on the page. LittleFS uses less memory, supports power failure protection. However, LittleFS is different from the FAT file system, so after uses littleFS, the SD card will be formatted as LittleFS. The sample code uses FAT file system as default. Just click “Compiler” to build the example. It is in compiling, please wait a moment. After the compilation is complete, “Success” will appear in the compile output window. The browser downloads the binary firmware file directly after a successful compiling. It will be saved in a default download folder or the folder based on your browser setting. In Chrome, you can click download file and select “Show in folder”. Please insert a micro SD card into the card slot on the back of NuMaker-IoT-M487 board, then connect the USB to your computer and make sure the onboard LED lights up. Let’s back to the folder you just download the binary firmware file (NuMaker-mbed-SD-FileSystem-example.NUMAKER_IOT_M487.bin). Drag and drop the file to NuMicro MCU drive. You will see the copying progress dialog box. Please find the virtual COM port assigned for NuMaker-IoT-M487 in Device Manager. In the demonstration, the “Nu-Link Virtual Com Port” is COMx. Then use your favorite terminal tool. Here we use Putty. Open the COMx port with 115200 baud rate And no flow control settings. Then “Open” it. Press “Reset” on board to run the firmware again. You can see the messages on terminal while accessing SD card. That’s all for this tutorial. Thank you for watching. Welcome to subscribe to our channel. If you want to get more information, please contact us “SalesSupport@nuvoton.com” - For more information, please visit Nuvoton Technology Website: https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC Buy now: https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw/numaker-iot-m487 Contact us: SalesSupport@nuvoton.com #tool #training #learning #intermediate #en
前瞻應用  學習  影片長度 - 3:9
以新唐 NuMaker-IoT-M263A 為平台,使用 Mbed OS 進行開發,學習各種功能。觀看本片,您將學會使用 NuMaker-IoT-M263A 開發板配合 Mbed OS 範例程式控制環境感測器,顯示溫度、溼度和氣壓等數據。 哈囉大家好,我是新唐工程師 Miya。今天為大家介紹,如何使用新唐 NuMaker IoT-M263A 在 MbedOS 使用環境感測器,它是參考 Mbed 社群 提供的環境感測器的控制範例,很快速就能整合完成實際應用。 首先打開 Chrome 瀏覽器,輸入網址 "https://ide.mbed.com/",登入後先確認右上方板子已經有帶出 "NuMaker-IoT-M263A 及板子小圖示" 了,如果沒有可參考教學影片 "step by step 讓你了解如何運行 Mbed OS",裡面有詳細的示範怎麼新增板子的方法。 首先點選左上方的 "New",會載入一個 Create new program 的小視窗,上面可以看到 Platform 已經帶出 NuMaker-IoT-M263A,在 Template: 這欄選取 sample code,使用 NuMaker Env. Sensor BME680 example,點一下 OK。 現在可以看到 sample code 已經載入頁面,這份 sample code 已經內建好使用 Sensor 的設定,可直接按 Compile 執行編譯程式碼。編譯中需要等待一下,編譯完成後下方會出現 "success!"。 系統會把編譯完成的 bin 檔,放在 download 資料夾,直接從下方進入,上拉後點一下 "Show in folder" 到預設的 download 夾,接著把 NuMaker-IoT-M263A 板子跟 PC 接上 USB,確認板子有亮燈就是通電了。 回到 download 資料夾,可以看到多了一個剛才 compile 完成的 bin 檔,按右鍵傳送到 NuMicro MCU(F:),這邊分配到哪一槽要看各位的電腦決定,有成功點選到的話會出現傳送過去的畫面。 到電腦的裝置管理員,查看分配到的 port 編號,在本機按右鍵點裝置管理員,找到連接埠 (COM和LPT),找到 USB 序列裝置,就可以知道像這部 PC 分配給它的是 COM12。 接下來使用終端機模擬軟體,各位可以用自己熟悉的軟體操作即可。設定 Serial line 為 COM12,Speed 為 115200,到 Serial 將 Flow control 改為 None,接著 OPEN。接著在終端機摸擬軟體就可以看到目前的環境感測數值回報等資料。 以上是這次的教學影片,感謝您的收看,如果您想知道更多資訊,歡迎聯絡我們。 - 更多產品資訊,請至新唐科技網站 http://www.nuvoton.com 購買管道:https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw/numaker-iot-m263a 聯絡我們: SalesSupport@nuvoton.com #application #learning #intermediate #zh-Hant
培訓  工具  學習  影片長度 - 4:32
Hello everyone, I am Morgan, the principal engineer of Nuvoton Technology. Today, I will show you how to control the temperature and humidity sensor with Mbed OS on NuMaker-IoT-M487 development board. For this tutorial, we choose the “Thermo 6 Click” board. It is a mikroBUS board with a MAX31875 sensor. It is easy to install on NuMaker-IoT-M487 board because it has a mikroBUS connector. The part of control code refer from community, it is easy and quick to be integrated into real application. Open Chrome browser, and enter the URL https://ide.mbed.com to use the Mbed Online Compiler. After log in, make sure that NuMaker-IoT-M487 board already selected in the upper right corner. If not, please refer Nuvoton IoT Tutorial series “Get Started with Mbed OS” which has a detailed description of how to add a board. Click the “New” on the left of menu bar, a “Create new program” window will be displayed. You can see that the Platform has been set to NuMaker-IoT-M487. In the Template, select the "NuMaker Thermo-Sensor MAX31875 " for this tutorial. Then click OK. Now you can see that the sample code has loaded on the page. The sample code includes the MAX31875 control from community, declares an I2C object used on NuMaker-IoT-M487’s mikroBUS and a sensor object with the I2C object. Get the temperature value then print it. No modification needed, just click “Compile” to build the sample code. It is in compiling, please wait a moment. Then you can see the last message is “Success!” after compile completed. The browser downloads the binary firmware file directly after a successful compiling. It will be saved in a default download folder or the folder based on your browser setting. In Chrome, you can click download file and select “Show in folder”. Now is the time to install the Thermo 6 Click temperature and humidity sensor board on the mikroBUS, please pay attention to the correct orientation of the board. Then we connect the NuMaker-IoT-M487 USB port to your computer and make sure the onboard LED lights up. Let’s back to the folder you just download the binary firmware file (NuMaker-mbed-Sensor-MAX31875.NUMAKER_IOT_M487.bin). Drag and drop the file to NuMicro MCU drive. You will see the copying progress dialog box. Please find the virtual COM port assigned for NuMaker-IoT-M487 in Device Manager. In the tutorial, the “Nu-Link Virtual Com Port” is COMx. Then use your favorite terminal tool. Here we use Putty. Open the COMx port with 115200 baud rate And no flow control settings. Then “Open” it. You can see the current temperature in Celsius and Fahrenheit printed on terminal. That’s all for this tutorial. Thank you for watching. Welcome to subscribe to our channel. If you want to get more information, please contact us at SalesSupport@nuvoton.com - For more information, please visit: https://bit.ly/3hVdcmC Buy now: https://direct.nuvoton.com/tw/numaker-iot-m487 Contact us: SalesSupport@nuvoton.com #tool #training #learning #intermediate #en